Surge Pattern

Surge Pattern


Purchase the digital download link for the Surge pattern here.

Surge is a single-skein triangle scarf that uses the novel concept of assigned pooling. 

This technique isolates texture changes within shifts in color in a specially dyed skein of variegated yarn.  In this design, stockinette stitch is assigned to the main color, resulting in a smooth backdrop for  the linen stitch worked in the accent color. Surge is a smaller, more compact version of my Mend shawl.

One skein of Barker Wool Silky Solo in any assigned pooling colorway. 
Shown here in Aurora

Finished Measurements 
approximately 53” W x 14” D.

US size 4 (3.5 mm) on a 24” cable  for cast-on
US size 6 (4 mm) on a 24” cable for border

24 STS x 32 rows = 4” x 4” in Stockinette ST using US size 4 needles.

Additional Equipment 
A scale that weighs in grams. 

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