Rock Garden Trail Pattern

Rock Garden Trail Pattern


Purchase the digital download code for the Rock Garden Trail pattern here.

Rock Garden Trail is a right triangle assigned pooling shawl inspired by one of my favorite hiking trails in the Palo Duro Canyon of Texas.  Assigned pooling occurs when a change in texture is isolated within a change in color in a skein of variegated yarn.  One skein of assigned pooling yarn is alternated with two other contrasting tonal colorways to create a simple yet striking three-color garter stitch stripe punctuated by nupps.

1 skein of Rattlesnake Rita (AP),
1 skein of Grand Tour,
and 1 skein of Fireside
on Barker Wool BFL Fingering,
or your choice of one AP colorway plus one skein each of two contrasting tonals.

Finished Measurements 
Approximately 25” deep at center point x 62” wide after blocking

US size 4 (3.5 mm)  

24 STS x 24 rows (12 garter ridges) = 4” x 4” in Garter stitch

Find the original colors used for this pattern or your perfect combination of colors under the House Collection tab above.

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